How many of us, who have found our purpose in life, are willing to give up the lust toward this world, and the pride of this life, to find peace with God and discover their own greatness?
Now, when the test of suffering and sacrifice comes to prove our endurance for the greatness that we desire, we back out or change our minds hoping for an easier way to fulfil our dreams.
No one wants to die. But since we all have been born and we are here, we should seek out what exactly is our purpose in life before we do die.
Many give honor to Jesus, without ever considering the price that God permitted his Son to pay for the redemption of mankind.
We all want greatness. We dream about being great. But the road to greatness is not an easy road to travel.
Because the day of the Lord and the appearing of the Son of God is at hand, even at the doors of this generation, time has become more precious than ever.
Matthew 6:34
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
To die out of this life is the on going pattern of this life.
There is no pain in death itself, but what trouble most people is the fear of the unknown.
The material things we get in life make us happy only for a moment. But nothing that we have or possess is there to fulfil our purpose.
Nothing that we can acquire can give us the joy that only working to be what God created us to be will give us. How will we discover ourselves?
Through self denial. Having the knowledge that we are created in the image and nature of God. We all are great, but we all have a duty to discover our greatness.
The process of making us into something that we never dreamed we could be is difficult.
But so many of us want something great in life.
We all have in common our ways in this life. There are also many unfortunate events that bring drastic change in many people lives.
Blessed are those who have been favored to find their purpose in life and the divine reason for their being and are found living that purpose.
If we know our purpose in life, but yet do not seek out to accomplish it, life becomes meaningless and without reason.
Remembering first in the purpose of God, that he created us to be righteous hearted, because he is a righteous God.
For Jesus said, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all of these other things will be added unto you.
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Winning Souls For Jesus Inc.
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Winning Souls For Jesus Inc, Website: Prepared, Designed, Established and Published By
K. L. Hunt
I John 3:8
For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
That have stopped submitting to the enemy of God, thinking that he has something for you, that is better than what God has promised?
Many will ask, why is there so much suffering and struggle in the world?
The struggle of life that comes out of darkness. Because of the misfortune that happen in our lives, we can be quick to blame God.
But it involves the divine pattern of life in which God has ordained in the earth.
To know our purpose in life is a great thing. But to know and fulfil our purpose is greater.
The courage to be daring.
Willing to except change.
Patience and confidence in ourselves.
Virtues in life we will need in order to fulfill our purpose.
Many privileged and talented people have wasted these precious times due to laziness and slothfulness.
Procrastination has robbed millions from fulfilling their purpose in life.
If we are going to be great, we have to make great sacrifices. And because we want instant greatness, we will never be prepared to suffer and pay the price to become great.
Many of us will die through different circumstances.
But as our lives continue, we will transition through death.
For the love of money is the root of all evil. We have to be very careful how we do with, and what position we put it in our lives. Yes, we all need money in such a society that we live in.
Proverbs 26:13
The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way;
A lion is in the streets.
James 4:13-16
Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.
For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.
One of the most challenging questions to most people is, "What is my purpose in life?"
There is a divine reason why each of us were created and given life, but to be lived with purpose.
So many of us are like seeds, that never was sown into the rich soil. The birds came and picked up the seeds, and we live and die without ever knowing, what our real purpose for being was.